Last update: 5/2/2002

Welcome to my homepage.

This Homepage is about the dynamic duo called M2M. They are Marit Larsen (18) and Marion Raven (17).
Marit play guitar and Marion play keyboard. They have very cute voice. ( I really love them!!!)

You can find here the lyrics of their songs, (very nice lyrics!!!)
cutest pictures of m2m (They are really cute!!!)
and etc.. etc.. etc....

If you are interested in m2m, please enjoy here.!!!

One more thing.........dont forget to sign my guestbook plz! (^ ^ )/~
5/2/2002: Add the lyrics of songs from "The big room" and add more pics
1/12/2002: Add the lyrics of songs from "The big room"
10/31/2001: Add new news!!!!!
10/4/2001:Add new link and photos
9/16/2001: Add new pics off m2m and add another link of m2m
9/2/2001: Fixed some bugs and errors on my page
8/22/2001: Add a link. (m2m site)
8/10/2001: Add a link of my friend's site... (not a m2m site)
8/3/2001: Added a new chords of the songs
7/29/2001: Added a "Vote this site" and starts making a skins for winamp
7/16/2001: Add new photos on galleries
7/8/2001: My site was opened!!!

→ NEW!!!! Complete lyrics of the songs from new album
Here is the lyrics of all songs from the new album "The big room"
→ Story of M2M
  The story how the M2M was borned......
→ Lyrics of Prettyboy Mandarin version
  I tried to make a lyrics of mandarinversion prettyboy!!! But I think I have many wrong spelling, pronaunce etc..... Please give me a right lyrics!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!.
